quinta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2011

turning a light...

Every time i wake up h, i still feel confused about my sleep
it's like someone who is slowing turning the lights on, and, in that time, you can't tell if the room is white, blue or green, squared or circled, or if you're setaed or turned upside down
probably that happens because my mind shuts down when i sleep. i release all the energies from the brain, and that's why people relax and feel more energyzed after sleep
I used to think sleeping was such a waste... however it's during the sleep time i take all the decisions i need... the good and the bad ones
I remember one day i needed to decide whether to visit a old cousin i had, with whom i din't speak for for years, after arguing over the origins of indian summer. i couldn't decide myself as i was coming to his hometown the day after, and it was the only shot i had to turn the relationship peacefull
I couldn't sleep all night, because i couldn't decide what to do. then the morning came, then the lights were all turned on, but, in fact, the lights were on the whole night
I just continued my dusty route and didn't stop by his house, but this wasn't a decison, it was just leting myself go. I think he died last year, but i'm not sure.
i really cared for him and he was right about the indian summer...

b, the thing that i like more about sleeping is dreaming...  and i can't take decisions with my mind turned off.
doesn't work for me...

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